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The intersection of music and drawing has been important to Kid Koala from the outset. His first album, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, was accompanied by a 36 page comic book. From there Kid Koala was approached by a publisher, ultimately resulting in the two successful graphic novels below.

The Making of a Live Show <span>Kid Koala's Nufonia Must Fall</span>

The Making of a Live Show Kid Koala's Nufonia Must Fall

Follow the 12 year epic journey of Nufonia Must Fall, from it’s birth as a 2D doodle on a placemat, to touring all over the world! Exclusive stories and interviews with the creators, cast and crew! Over 110 behind-the-scenes photos.
Space Cadet <span>Book & Soundtrack</span>

Space Cadet Book & Soundtrack

A 132-page etchboard graphic novel about an astrophysicist/space explorer and her robot guardian. Accompanied by a "still picture score" composed by Kid Koala and performed on piano, bass, viola, and multiple turntables.
Nufonia Must Fall <span>Book & Soundtrack</span>

Nufonia Must Fall Book & Soundtrack

This is a 340-page gray scale graphic novel about a robot who tries to write love songs but cannot sing. Accompanied by a soundtrack composed and performed on Wurlitzer and multiple turntables.